Share Your Success Stories
Welcome! This space is dedicated to showcasing the achievements and breakthroughs that have resulted from your expertise, guidance, and unwavering commitment to helping others find meaningful career paths. By sharing your success story, you help us foster a sense of community among fellow partners. We invite you to submit your stories, as each narrative has the power to grow our mission in creating more equitable and more numerous employment opportunities for residents on the East Side of St. Paul.
Here are some prompts to get you started.
1. Share a recent story of an individual that was struggling with unemployment and lack of direction, but found support and a pathway to work through your organization.
2. Share a recent story of when you helped an individual overcome a significant barrier to employment, such as discrimination, language fluency, or limited resources. It's most helpful if you can share some details about the barrier(s) and how you helped them address barrier(s).
3. Share a recent story of an individual who sought guidance to progress in their current profession. Share the individual’s journey from feeling stuck to gaining increased job satisfaction, promotion, and/or more income as a result of their work with you.
4. Share a recent story about a successful event hosted by your organization. Share how many people were impacted and what they gained from the experience.
5. Tell us about a moment where you were able to do something in your organization, and/or with a participant, that you probably wouldn't have been able to do, without your involvement or the support of the East Side Employment xChange.
As you share your story, please remember to keep the individual anonymous to respect their confidentiality.
By submitting the form, you agree that your success story will be reviewed by the xChange and posted in our monthly newsletter as well as on our website and LinkedIn.