What is TalentNeuron?
Talent Neuron is a job board aggregator - it collects job postings from hundreds of different websites and puts them in a searchable website. Its features include:
Consolidated job search- Search active job postings from multiple sources on a single site
Save searches- Tailor searches based on education level, location, industry, specific skills, etc., and save custom searches for specific job seekers
Email Notifications- Get (or send) email notifications when a new job posting fits a saved search criteria.
Talent Neuron is a paid service, but xChange provides it to our partner organizations for free!
Getting Started with TalentNeuron
Get your organization’s login information. If your team doesn’t know its login information, contact Luke at the xChange: luke@xchange.mn or 612-201-9130.
Explore on our own, or use Talent Neuron's training tools to learn how to use Talent Neuron. The xChange also hosts a quarterly users team to share insights and refresh your skills.
Make use of xChange’s Talent Neuron Saved Searches (below), which are customized for East Side St. Paul.
Ready to learn more? Our subscription to Talent Neuron includes free training, troubleshooting, and help creating custom searches. Contact Luke for next steps.
What is LightCast?
Lightcast is a companion tool to Talent Neuron, offering additional insights into the skills needed in the labor market. It's particularly useful if you're looking for analysis or labor market trends, e.g., if you're working on a grant proposal or something like that.
We have a limited number of logins, and are happy to make those available to xChange partners, as you may want/need.
Getting Started with LightCast
If you want to explore, reach Luke at luke@xchange.mn or by phone/text: 612-201-9130.
Don't be shy -- it's a useful tool and we hope everyone will take the opportunity to use it!