Services Directory
Our collaborative partners offer many services.
Explore our directory to find specific services for your job seeker’s needs.
American Indian Family Center (AIFC)
AIFC workshops give you the chance to improve your skills, demonstrate your strengths, advance your career and ultimately, achieve your goals.
Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio (CLUES)
CLUES Career Training workshops are perfect for anyone looking to get certified or advance their career, whether starting out in a new industry or moving up at a current job.
Goodwill provides industry-specific training programs to help expand the skills and qualifications needed to start a new career in just 8 - 12 weeks.
Hmong American Partnership (HAP)
HAP offers culturally sensitive job skills training in health care, transportation, manufacturing, and information technology.
Hired helps you gain professional qualifications to advance your career through trainings and workshops in less than two months.
Karen Organization of Minnesota (KOM)
KOM provides vocational training opportunities for immigrants and refugees in a variety of fields.
Latino Economic Development Center (LEDC)
LEDC helps clients succeed through literacy, and technical/business instruction for entrepreneurs.
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota (LSS)
LSS offers several employment services and trainings for individuals and companies.
The Ramsey County Workforce Training Dashboard showcases community-based training programs in and near Ramsey County.
Empowering African American students in Saint Paul through culture, art, technology, and social justice.
American Indian Family Center (AIFC)
American Indian Family Center (AIFC) serves approximately 700 American Indian families each year with mental health, recovery, employment, housing, family and youth services.
Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio (CLUES)
Our work is to ensure the advancement of social and economic equity and wellbeing for Latinos in Minnesota.
Hmong American Partnership (HAP)
Originally founded in 1990 to serve Minnesota’s growing Hmong population, we are now the largest Hmong-serving organization in the nation.
Karen Organization of Minnesota (KOM)
The Karen Organization of Minnesota is the first social services agency in the country founded by Karen refugees from Burma.
Latino Economic Development Center (LEDC)
We help Latino entrepreneurs and small businesses in Minnesota launch and grow.
Hmong American Partnership (HAP)
HAP offers a variety of loans to economically disadvantaged clients from the immigrant and refugee communities who are interested in starting or expanding a business.
Latino Economic Development Center (LEDC)
Our goal is to spark change and inspire entrepreneurs to sharpen their business know-how so that the Latino business community continues to grow and thrive.
American Indian Family Center (AIFC)
AIFC provides the opportunities to support you on your Zuya Wo Ohiya (Journey to Success).
Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio (CLUES)
Through employment coaching and services, CLUES can help you find a job, increase your skills, build a resume or train for a career to better support your family.
Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota
Personalized, flexible job placement services are the heart of GESMN’s mission; we work closely with job seekers and employers to connect people to a career.
Hmong American Partnership (HAP)
HAP is committed to helping our clients connect to job opportunities that will help them build towards a career that can provide for themselves and their families.
Hired provides professional career guidance, training assistance, and job placement services to individuals seeking the next step in their career.
Karen Organization of Minnesota (KOM)
The Refugee Employment Services (RES) program through KOM helps refugees who have lived in the U.S. less than 5 years find stable employment.
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota (LSS)
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota's Financial Opportunity Center (FOC) service can support you in advancing your career and financial goals so you can achieve success.
Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio (CLUES)
Work with a financial coach to help you navigate the financial systems and accomplish your financial goals!
Hmong American Partnership (HAP)
HAP can help you achieve long-term economic goals through asset building.
Karen Organization of Minnesota (KOM)
Financial Opportunity Center (FOC) helps clients get recovery resources, get better jobs, and improve financial wealth.
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota (LSS)
LSS Financial Counseling is a trusted, holistic financial counseling service, providing nonjudgmental guidance and knowledge for more than 30 years.
Neighborhood Development Alliance (NeDA)
NeDA partners with Lutheran Social Service Financial Counseling to offer free, unbiased support to help individuals make sense of their finances.
American Indian Family Center (AIFC)
Together with the community, the Thinica Owichakiyapi Thipi (Helping the Homeless Build) will achieve housing stability and create equitable outcomes for our families.
Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio (CLUES)
CLUES offers individual counseling and the education necessary to achieve your housing goals.
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota (LSS)
We provide housing services and support to help youth, adults, people with disabilities, families, older adults and veterans live healthier and more satisfying lives.
Neighborhood Development Alliance (NeDA)
Buy your first home with confidence. NeDA offers HUD-approved home purchase counseling.
Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota
Our comprehensive disability employment services help adults and youth explore strengths, interests and get ready for work.
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota (LSS)
Our employment specialists assist with many components of an individual's career journey, including resume and cover letter creation, job applications, interview preparation, benefit analysis and planning, accommodation assistance, follow-up support and other needs that are specific to the individual.
30,000 Feet
At 30K, we inspire African American youth by giving them the confidence to believe in themselves and their endless potential.
American Indian Family Center (AIFC)
Our programs are not just guided by youth, they are developed, established and powered by Waaban Ogimaawag (Tomorrow’s Leaders)!
Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio (CLUES)
CLUES offers many programs for youth.
Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota
Let our partnerships with schools, post-secondary education, employers and CareerForce Centers help you make a successful transition into employment and a career.
We provide coaching, support, and training to help youth and young adults complete a diploma or GED, explore careers, and gain employment in a field they’re passionate about.
Karen Organization of Minnesota (KOM)
KOM’s youth program staff work alongside teachers, students, and families to provide academic support and parent engagement to youth from Kindergarten to age 24.
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota (LSS)
LSS helps keep youth and children safe and supports their healthy development by providing early intervention and prevention services, supportive housing options for youth experiencing homelessness, and services to restore and strengthen families.
Each year, 60 youth, ages 14-21, from Saint Paul’s East Side are employed in our three program areas: Market Garden, Conservation and Cook Fresh.
Ramsey County Workforce Training Dashboard
This Workforce Training Dashboard showcases community-based training programs in and near Ramsey County.
Look for the xChange logo to find services from our partners.